A selection of sports for blind and partially sighted people
Although we are still in lockdown across the UK, there is a light at the end of the tunnel as more and more people are vaccinated. If there is one thing many of us are in dire need of, it is a little fun, exercise, and socialisation.
With that in mind, we have explored a selection of sports for blind and partially sighted people in our latest blog. Covering what they are, how you can find out if there is somewhere to get involved near you, and more!
Vision Impaired Rugby
Rugby for visually impaired people is one of the younger sports for partially sighted people, which means opportunities to get involved can be more limited. However, both the Vision Foundation and Metro Blind Sport are two great places to start if you are looking to join a team.
Metro Blind Sport: charlie.raven@metroblindsport.org
Phone: 07956 292 046
Vision Foundation: hello@visionfoundation.org.uk
Phone: 020 7620 2066
(Pictured above: Our good friend, Simon Brown, playing for the Leeds Rhinos Foundation)
Golf for blind and partially sighted people
Golfing for blind and partially sighted people has been one of the more popular sports over recent years. The same equipment is used and the rules are pretty much the same. There are a few different associations you can contact to find out about opportunities near you:
The England and Wales Blind Golf Association
t: 0208 390 0699
Scottish Blind Golf
5 The Round, Dunfermline, Fife, KY12 7YH
Northern Ireland Blind Golf Association
Rowing for blind and partially sighted people
Rowing can be undertaken and enjoyed by blind and partially sighted people without any requirement for assistive equipment; as a result, partially sighted people can compete in rowing on equal terms to people without any impairment. This means that there tend to be no specific rowing clubs for blind and visually impaired people; use the link below to find a rowing club near to you and get involved!
British Rowing
6 Lower Mall, Hammersmith, London, W6 9DJ
Cricket for blind and partially sighted people
In visually impaired cricket, combined teams of blind and partially sighted players play. There are 2 versions of cricket for people with visual impairments; an international version and an English rules discipline. The domestic competitions in this country use the English rules version.
There are a number of visually impaired cricket clubs around the country, competing in a league and cup competitions. To find your nearest club or if you want more information follow the details below:
Blind Cricket England & Wales
Find your nearest cricket club here
Email: JohnGarbett8@virginmedia.com
Phone: 07769 909906
Image shows Hugh Spence, playing for Northampton Visually Impaired County Cricket Club.
Please note, this is only a selection of sports for blind and partially sighted people; it is not an exhaustive list – there are many more sports than those we have mentioned. We recommend visiting British Blind Sport for a more exhaustive list.