Why should you offer low vision in practice?


Gain new Revenue.

By offering low vision, you not only serve the customer in question but normally a supportive family member too. Most degenerative eye conditions are age-related meaning the customer in question is often accompanied by a family member who will use other services within your practice. Best of all, this can be achieved by the front of house staff.


Stand out from your competitor.

Low vision is a niche discipline in UK opticians, by offering low vision gives you an advantage over your competitors. We will support you 100% in your needs to offer Low Vision. We are a world leader in assistive technology and offer approved CET points to continue your education in low vision.



“The experience reinforced to me the vital role we have as optometrists in helping people achieve the best from their vision.” - Michael O'Kane FCOptom, Director of Specsavers Morningside & Specsavers Cameron Toll.

I recently had a request from a private consultant to perform a low vision assessment for a patient who experienced visual loss in their only seeing eye. The experience reinforced to me the vital role we have as optometrists in helping people achieve the best from their vision.

It's always satisfying getting a myope from 6/30 to 6/3; but the feeling you get from knowing you have enabled someone to continue to live independently and facilitated them coming to terms with the life-changing event of visual impairment is truly fulfilling.

Listen. Question. Listen. Understand. Empathise. Consider each problem in turn and the possible solutions. Consider which solutions are appropriate to the person. Think holistically.

We are privileged to have the tools and technical knowledge to be able to help these people. I encourage all optometrists and dispensing opticians to consider training and exploring this extremely worthwhile service.

Unfortunately, restricted access to services during COVID-19 and the ageing population means an inevitable increase in patients suffering visual impairment & the waiting lists for ECLO and mainstream services will increase.
You can help.